- Discussions were held at ECAC on requirements to upgrade/repair the hammer cage
- Some new equipment has been purchased at WAAS. Decision made that there will be no hire charge for poles
- The plan for recruiting/training officials has been approved by LOC. It has a strong focus on using WA people
- Motive Travel have been engaged as the official travel agent
- The WMA one year inspection visit will be 25 – 27 October
- Richard and Lynne will attend AMA AGM for Perth2016 discussions with delegates
- Some delay to website but will be live soon. Facebook page is active
- e-newsletter sent to the around 1300 people who have registered interest
- Lyon booth design completed
- Entry information booklet has gone to print
- Options for welcoming ceremony and party were discussed at July LOC meeting
- Dominic Staltari will be acting head of LOC while other LOC members are in Europe July and August