AGM Nominations



Just a reminder that any Life Membership nominations are required before the AGM – please forward to the Secretary Delia by 12 August. Nominations are also called for the Management Committee.  Positions are:

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Four Committee Members

Nomination forms are available from the Secretary please email:

Nominations need to be proposed and seconded by two members and signed by the nominee as accepting the nomination.

The AGM will be held on 11 September and the Agenda published in August.



Latest News …


The 2024/25 membership form will be available in early September giving new members 13 months for the price of 12. In the meantime prospective new members should just pay the $5 visitor fee at MAWA events.

Helper Registration

Follow this link to register as a helper – Helper Registration



Sunday programme 2023 – 2024

Track and Field

Winter programme 2024

2023/2024 Coaching/Training Programme

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