Photos available



Please note that photos by Vic Waters from Sunday morning runs including the latest Joondalup Run are available for viewing in the “Photo Gallery” under the “Road” menu tab above.

Also Graeme Dahl’s photos from Joondalup are also now available at the following link:

Graeme Dahl’s Flickr Albums

Also to see some great photos of Rochelle Rodgers winning the Shizuoka Marathon in Japan please view great article by Jaryd Clifford in Runner’s Tribe:

Runners Tribe


Latest News …


The 2024/25 membership form will be available in early September giving new members 13 months for the price of 12. In the meantime prospective new members should just pay the $5 visitor fee at MAWA events.

Helper Registration

Follow this link to register as a helper – Helper Registration



Sunday programme 2023 – 2024

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Winter programme 2024

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