Committee Corner

  • July Committee Meeting Summary

    • Membership numbers increased by 10 to 527 • New gazebo for Sundays was successfully tested • Big turnout for first night at new ECAC track • Campbell Till is taking over the running of Tuesdays at WAAS • Next social event planned is a Melbourne Cup lunch • Feedback on trial new uniform material…

  • June committee meeting summary

    Membebership increased by 18 to 517 Preference for Herdsman Run to start at the Pony club, so in future years will aim to schedule this on a day the Pony club do not have a meeting Trial use of a video camera at finishing shute was very successful. Will now purchase a camera for regular…

  • May committee meeting summary

    • Membership stands at 499, and increase of 11 over last month • Video camera will be purchased and stationed at end of our road races, making it much easier for the person doing results to track down problems • Mattagarup and Whiteman run dates have been swapped due to a clash with a re-scheduled…

  • March Committee Meeting Summary

    – Colin Smith attended a meeting with Canning Council about the new track at ECAC. Strict measures will be taken to ensure the track does not suffer undue wear – The winter track programme was approved and is now on the website – The programme to improve our Sunday equipment is almost complete – the…

  • February Committee Meeting Summary

    – The committee passed a motion from Damien Hanson that throws records can only be accepted at meetings organised by a state level organisation or above, (see website post) – It was agreed that Damien Hanson purchase new scales for verification of throwing implements – Membership at end Jan was 451, with more timely renewals…

  • January Committee Meeting Summary

    – Thanks to all involved for the success of the Welcome Run. 172 competitors including over 50 visitors – Thanks to Mark Hewitt for taking over Sunday Results, and we now have a pool of people who can do it to spread the load. Thanks also to Jim Langford for taking over the helpers list…

  • December Committee Meeting Summary

    – Club membership reached 512 on 30th November – The club urgently needs someone to compile Sunday Run results – volunteers please. The committee thanks Sandi Hodge and Brigette Cheek for manning the visitor table, and Jim Langford for taking on the management of the Sunday Helpers – The club may be prevented using lanes…

  • November Committee Meeting Summary

    Details for our Welcome Run on 4th January are firming up. Visitors fees are waived, families are encouraged, catering is provided, and promotion will be in local newspapers Membership fees for 2015 were approved. Details are in vetrun and on the website. Mike Anderson will access new lightweight signs to replace our heavy metal ones.…

  • October Committee Meeting Summary

    – Delia Baldock and Mike Anderson were welcomed to their first committee meeting – Membership has increased by 7 to 489 – Treasurer will propose 2015 membership fees for approval next month – The 2015 Sunday Programme was approved and will be published in November.  Thanks to Ante Perdija for taking on RD for Piney…

  • September committee meeting summary

    SEPTEMBER COMMITTEE MEETING SUMMARY – Sunday programme for 2015 now at an advanced stage of planning. Particular features of the programme: There will be Welcome Run in early Jan, which we will use as an event to promote the club Wireless Hill is moved to spring so wildflowers can be appreciated We are short of…


Latest News …


The 2024/25 membership form will be available in early September giving new members 13 months for the price of 12. In the meantime prospective new members should just pay the $5 visitor fee at MAWA events.

Helper Registration

Follow this link to register as a helper – Helper Registration



Sunday programme 2023 – 2024

Track and Field

Winter programme 2024

2023/2024 Coaching/Training Programme

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