
  • Going to Gothenburg?

    This is a quick reminder that registrations for the 2024 World Masters Athletics Championships Stadia in Gothenburg, Sweden close on 4 June 2024. Don’t miss out – get your registrations in!

  • Relief Handicapper

  • Mothers’ Day handicap

    Our Mothers’ Day event has always been a handicap long run and short walk with trophies awarded to male and female winners. Through an oversight this weekend’s event at Carine is not shown on the programme as a handicap. However the handicap events will take place.

  • Can you donate a door prize?

    The Committee is looking for contributions to door prizes for our sundowner on 9 June. If you would like to offer a standalone prize or something to add to a hamper, please pass it on to Rochelle by 2 June. Thank you!

  • 50th ANNIVERSARY help needed

    Are you a tech savvy? We need a volunteer who can put together a slide show of photos to have shown at our sundowner on 9 June. If this is in your skill set and you can help out with this, please contact Rochelle or any committee member.

  • 10K Road Running Championships

    Thanks again to Graeme Dahl for a wonderful photo-montage with results from last Sunday. Click here to view. Note our recent influx of very good female runners. New members Raquel Casas Huelin, Michelle Hunter, Georgie Smith, Brenda Almstrom, Claudia Seke and Mariette Botha all finished near the top with some great times.

  • Uniform Orders are in

    We have received the new uniforms ordered in the last online portal and they will be available for collection from Delia at Sunday runs from this Sunday 5 May. If you asked for postage they will be in the mail this week. If you would prefer to pick them up from ECAC please let me…

  • Athletes Personal Development

    The ATFCA WA Branch, (Ann Masters), is holding an athletics personal/professional development day at ECAC on Friday May 10. The personal development day covers all the athletic events except pole vault, hammer throw and steeplechase. Attendees are encouraged to participate if possible, so the this will benefit athletes as well as coaches and teachers Click…

  • MAWA 50 year celebration at McCallum

    Click here to see Graeme Dahl’s superb photo montage from last Sunday along with the results

  • Track Handicap

    Good tight finish to last night’s competition with most finishing in a 3 minute window. Congratulations to Crystal Glossop for taking out the trophy with a new PB. Click here to see the results


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2023/24 membership fees are $60 for Metro and $50 for Country

Follow this link for new membership or elapsed members wishing to rejoin – Membership Form

Helper Registration

Follow this link to register as a helper – Helper Registration



Sunday programme 2023 – 2024

Track and Field

Winter programme 2024

2023/2024 Coaching/Training Programme

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