Cliff Bould Trophy – November 4 2018


in Road Results


10.4 km Handicap Run
Clock Time Handicap Run Time
Keith Hill M55 1:01:20 11.42 49.38
Tristan Bell M50 1:06:54 16.44 50.10
Mark Hewitt M65 1:08:16 15.51 52.25
Andrew Grosas M55 1:08:52 19.24 49.28
John Ranger M50 1:09:02 23.00 46.02
Patrick Jones M45 1:09:03 27.07 41.56
Karen March W55 1:09:17 17.15 52.02
Barbara Putland W50 1:09:52 17.40 52.12
Gillian Young W70 1:09:53 12.46 57.07
Reid Barron M40 1:10:02 28.04 41.58
Rochelle Airey W45 1:10:06 14.05 56.01
Jerry Peters M40 1:10:18 24.06 46.12
Rohan Thompson M35 1:10:19 6.54 63.25
Peter Brooke M55 1:10:32 14.44 55.48
Sam Farman W50 1:10:48 1.21 69.27
Noelene Treen W55 1:10:58 7.13 63.45
John McShane M50 1:11:22 20.26 50.56
Akos Gyarmathy M60 1:11:37 22.04 49.33
Brian Danby M70 1:11:48 11.14 60.34
Alex Tinniswood M35 1:11:49 24.57 46.52
John Talbot M70 1:12:07 2.08 69.59
Elizabeth Gomez W35 1:12:31 23.31 49.00
Bob Britton M55 1:12:46 14.58 57.48
Charlie Chan M65 1:12:47 15.19 57.28
Jackson Wong M50 1:12:56 19.15 53.41
Rashanthi Wanigasekera W45 1:13:12 4.42 68.30
Lui Cecotti M70 1:13:50 8.30 65.20
David Baird M75 1:14:12 17.22 56.50
Silke Peglow W50 1:14:45 5.12 69.33
Bob Schickert M75 1:15:07 4.29 70.38
Gary Fisher M65 1:16:23 14.56 61.27
Conny Brieden W45 1:16:34 6.29 70.05
John Fisher M55 1:16:51 19.45 57.06
Roy Hart M70 1:17:49 9.41 68.08
Wayne Taylor M55 1:19:00 17.30 61.30
Jason Kell M40 1:26:19 17.12 69.07
Not Eligible
V22 41:06 41.06
V18 1:06:57 17.00 49.57
V1 1:08:38 7.00 61.38
V9 1:08:59 17.00 51.59
V7 1:09:04 23.00 46.04
V5 1:09:51 11.00 58.51
V3 1:10:16 16.00 54.16
V23 1:10:38 20.00 50.38
V8 1:11:01 17.00 54.01
V14 1:11:31 30.00 41.31
V13 1:14:34 17.00 57.34
V17 1:16:58 17.00 59.58
V19 1:23:18 0.00 83.18
5.2 km Run
Trevor Scott M55 19:25
Clare Wardle W40 21:22
Kim Thomas M40 22:52
Vivian Poll W35 23:12
Ralph Henderson M70 23:13
Mark Dawson M55 23:44
Anthony Faulkner M50 23:51
Peter March M55 23:56
Bernard Mangan M60 23:56
Jim Klinge M70 25:05
Ross Keane M55 25:24
Alan Gray M55 25:31
Prabuddha Nicol M60 25:44
Nick Franey M55 26:03
Graeme Dahl M65 26:14
Margaret Saunders W60 26:21
Sarah Ballard W35 26:55
Jim Langford M70 27:11
Bruce Grant M60 27:20
Carol Bowman W60 27:32
V16 27:46
Julie Wilson W65 28:26
Mark Sivyer M70 28:48
Randy Hobbs M55 28:53
Anne Young W40 28:55
Sandra Rourke W50 29:35
Lori Sexton W55 30:22
Karen Hill W60 30:58
Liz Dewhurst W30 31:24
Ngaio Kerr W45 31:42
Jodie Harris W45 32:06
Peter Hopper M70 32:43
Jenny Audsley W55 33:49
V11 34:02
V12 34:04
V2 34:40
Mike Anderson M70 34:53
Theresa Howe W65 35:11
Delia Baldock W55 35:25
Roger Walsh M75 36:01
V20 36:09
Merv Jones M75 36:42
V10 36:49
Irwin Barrett-Lennard M85 36:50
John Pellier M75 37:24
V21 41:14
Hazel Stephen W70 41:58
Neil McRae M65 42:33
V15 51:54
10.4 km Walk
Elaine Dance W65 1:23:30
5.2 km Walk
Victor Munoz M60 31:57
John McDonagh M70 42:47
Erika Blake W60 43:21
John Brambley M75 44:11
Rex Bruce M75 45:08
Sean Keane M50 45:09
Graham Thornton M75 46:18
Peggy Macliver W70 46:23
Arnold Jenkins M70 49:50
Roselyne Pillay W70 50:45
Lorna Lauchlan W85 50:47
Jeff Whittam M80 50:49
Priscilla Wilson W35 53:23
Margaret Bennett W75 54:07
Jo Richardson W65 54:35
Pamela English W70 54:36
Marg Forden W75 56:07
Irene Ferris W65 56:08
Richard Danks M75 56:45
Sylvia Szabo W35 57:40
Sylvia Szabo W60 57:41
Dorothy Whittam W80 59:18
Patricia Hopkins W75 59:58
Paul Martin M75 1:02:23
Brian Bennett M70 1:02:25
Mike Hale M70 1:02:28
Brian Dalton M65 1:07:34


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