RRC & RWC 2010


in Road Results

50km Road Running Championship 2010
THIS 24th staging of the championship was conducted over three events: 10km, 15km and 25km. 22 men and 11 women completed the 50km and it was good to see so many of our newer members taking part.
Brett Roach continued his run of success after his wins in 2007, 08 and 09 with a rate of 3:38 min/km, an identical time to last year. Other noteworthy achievements are those of John Allen and Mike Khan, both completing the 50km for a tenth time. Irwin Barrett-Lennard became the second 80-years plus athlete to complete, after Cecil Walkley last year.
Karen March backed up her win of last year with a rate of 4.48 min/km. Joan Pellier clocked up her tenth completion and Ann Turner her fourteenth. Apologies must go to Valerie Millard. Somehow she was overlooked last year when she completed her tenth event. Valerie has now run it 11 times and will be presented with her 10-year certificate at the Presentation Day (date tba). Below, the figure on left indicates the number of championships completed. Everyone who completes receives a medal at Presentation Day.

37.5km Road Walking Championships
Conducted over four events with a total of 37.5km, 400m having been added to the Deepwater Point event. David Smyth won his second RWC with a rate of 5:58 min/km. Jeff Whittam completed his tenth RWC and Michele Mison, Margaret Bennett and Shorty Turner are almost there!

Women RRC
No. Name Age min/km
4 Karen March W45 4:48
4 Paula Karra W35 5:12
1 Lorraine MacLennan W45 5:19
6 Lorraine Lopes W70 5:31
8 Shirley Bell W60 5:49
7 Julie Keeley W40 6:07
1 Janet Jiang W45 6:23
11 Valerie Millard W60 6:27
12 Irene Ferris W55 6:33
2 Fiona McAuley W55 6:37
1 Bronwyn Smith W35 7:01
No. Name Age min/km
4 Brett Roach M40 3:38
6 Bjorn Dybdahl M55 4:00
1 Peter Sullivan M50 4:08
4 Bert Carse M65 4:12
10 John Allen M50 4:17
4 David Baird M65 4:23
2 Jim Klinge M60 4:28
1 Tristan Bell M40 4:33
3 Tom Tralau M35 4:35
1 Ross Keane M45 4:49
6 Wayne Taylor M50 4:55
1 Raymond Gimi M45 5:10
6 Vic Waters M65 5:19
7 David Carr M75 5:20
9 Nick Miletic M55 5:28
10 Mike Khan M65 5:28
1 Heiner Huning M50 5:29
16 John Pellier M70 5:40
21 Bob Schickert M65 5:47
6 Irwin Barrett-Lennard M80 5:55
7 John Dance M60 6:04
4 Brian Smith M70 6:59
Women RWC
No. Name Age min/km
11 Lynne Schickert W65 7:27
9 Michele Mison W60 7:33
10 Joan Pellier W70 8:18
11 Dorothy Whittam W70 8:52
14 Ann Turner W70 8:55
9 Margaret Bennett W65 9:45
1 Jan Jarvis W65 9:45
No. Name Age min/km
2 David Smyth M40 5:58
11 Paul Martin M65 6:38
10 Jeff Whittam M75 8:17
5 Bob Fergie M70 8:31
9 Shorty Turner M70 10:06


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