ECAC – April 27 2017


in Track & Field Results

*State Record

1 mile
Graeme Dahl M65 6:26.2
Rob Antoniolli M65 6:28.9
Barbara Blurton W65 6:56.1*
David Carr M80 7:04.2
Gillian Young W65 7:42.2
Claire Walkley W50 7:55.2
Mike O Reilly M75 9:00.6
Karyn Tolardo (walk) W50 9:02.2
Cecil Walkley M85 20:26.0
Colin Smith M50 28.4
Des Walsh M60 29.8
Rob Antoniolli M65 31.5
Fran Cherry W50 35.7
Barry Newell M60 32.6
Sue Bourn W50 32.9
Barrie Kernaghan M75 32.9
Harold Membrey M65 32.9
Janne Wells W45 37.3
Vanessa Carson W35 33.1
Peggy Macliver W70 35.3
Delia Baldock W55 36.0
Carmel Meyer W55 36.9
Candice Elliott Vis 38.4
Bob Schickert M75 38.4
John Dennehy M55 39.0
Julie Wilson W60 42.1
Lynne Schickert W75 57.4
Rob Antoniolli M65 70.8
Vanessa Carson W35 71.4
Donna Abbey W45 77.7
Barry Newell M60 88.6
Kristine Wells Vis 1:36.2
Cecil Walkley M85 4:49.1
Colin Smith M50 13.1
Rob Antoniolli M65 15.4
Sue Bourn W50 15.6
Harold Membrey M65 15.9
Fran Cherry W50 16.1
Des Walsh M60 14.5
Donna Abbey W45 15.5
Barrie Kernaghan M75 16.5
John Dennehy M55 17.8
Kevin Collins M45 21.2
Candice Elliott Vis 16.7
Carmel Meyer W55 16.8
Peggy Macliver W70 16.8
Janne Wells W45 17.1
Delia Baldock W55 17.3
Julie Wilson W60 20.7
Lynne Schickert W75 25.8
Cecil Walkley M85 61.7
Graeme Dahl M65 12:47.0
Gillian Young W65 14:59.1
Bob Schickert M75 15:34.9
David Carr M80 16:18.9
Julie Wilson W60 16:34.3
Mike O Reilly M75 18:29.8
Vanessa Carson W35 19:17.6
Bert Carse M75 24:08.8
Sue Bourn W50 24:42.7
Claire Walkley W50 24:54.3
Karyn Tolardo (walk) W50 29:49.0


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General Information

STOP PRESS – all State Champs events now at ECAC

Pole vault is now on Friday 14th February.
Please read this information note before entering.
Information note Part 1

Entry Form Part 1

Sunday Run visitor registration

Visitors pre-register for next Sunday Run


New or elapsed members should fill in this form, (fee is $60 metro, $50 country) – new member/elapsed member form

Helper Registration

Follow this link to register as a helper – Helper Registration



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