ECAC – April 5 2018


in Track & Field Results

*State Record

Lee Stergiou M45 7.8
Bernie Riviere M50 7.8
Gin Ang M50 8.3
Cecil Walkley M85 33.1
Lisa Limonas W49 9.1
Jenn Parker W45 9.1
Donna Abbey W45 9.2
Mike O Reilly M75 10.6
Steve Fuller M65 8.9
Maureen Keshwar W65 9.4
Janne Wells W45 9.6
David Clive M80 9.6
Bob Hull M70 10.8
Julie Wilson W60 11.9
Lynne Schickert W75 15.2
Vanessa Carson W35 5:13.9
Rob Cattrall M60 5:25.6
Giovanni Puglisi M65 5:37.1
Ian Hannaby M45 5:55.1
Colin Smith M55 5:57.0
Micky Muroi M60 6:12.3
Bruce Wilson M70 6:14.0
Graeme Dahl M65 6:21.2
Bob Hull M70 6:28.8
Dante Giacomin M45 6:37.0
Gillian Young W70 6:47.2
Des Walsh M60 6:53.5
Maurice Creagh M70 7:13.5
Cecil Walkley M85 17:24.1
1500m walk
Haydn Gawne M70 9:36.6
Alan Whitley M65 10:25.7
Lynne Schickert W75 11:33.2
Ian Hannaby M45 63.1
Patrick Jones M45 64.7
Steve Fuller M65 67.4
Lisa Limonas W45 69.1
Barbara Blurton W65 74.4
Carmel Meyer W55 79.1
Jenn Parker W45 73.9
Janne Wells W45 78.2
Barry Newell M60 78.6
David Carr M85 82.7
Carol Bowman W60 84.2
Delia Baldock W55 87.5
Julie Wilson W60 91.3
Cecil Walkley M85 4:25.2
Lee Stergiou M45 12.5
Gin Ang M50 13.3
Patrick Jones M45 14.0
Lisa Limonas W49 14.6
Jenn Parker W45 14.8
Steve Fuller M65 14.8
Donna Abbey W45 14.9
Cecil Walkley M85 43.9
Maureen Keshwar W65 16.0
David Clive M80 16.6
Delia Baldock W55 17.5
Mike O Reilly M75 17.9
Jason Woolley M45 20:58.9
Micky Muroi M60 22:39.7
Ian Hannaby M45 23:10.0
Bruce Wilson M70 23:59.7
Rob Cattrall M60 11:16.5
Vanessa Carson W35 11:18.6
Patrick Jones M45 11:44.9
Giovanni Puglisi M65 12:14.3
Graeme Dahl M65 13:22.4
Bob Hull M70 13:26.7
Gillian Young W70 14:07.8*
Dante Giacomin M45 14:25.4
Maurice Creagh M70 15:15.5
Des Walsh M60 15:22.1
Julie Wilson W60 15:43.3
Bob Schickert M75 16:48.1
5000m walk
Karyn Tolardo W50 30:10.8
3000m walk
Haydn Gawne M70 20:22.1
Alan Whitley M65 22:55.2
Lynne Schickert W75 22:55.5
Matt Staunton M40 42.97m
Alex De Silva Vis 36.83m
Jenn Parker W45 32.79m
Janne Wells W45 20.19m
Geoffrey Gee M60 12.24m
Matt Staunton M40 11.85m
Alex De Silva Vis 9.65m
Jenn Parker W45 9.33m
Maurice Patten Vis 8.67m
Maureen Keshwar W65 8.28m
Janne Wells W45 6.69m
Donna Abbey W45 6.07m


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Information note Part 1

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