ECAC – December 21 2017


in Track & Field Results

*State Record
**Pending Australian Record
***Pending World Record


Patrick M Vis 4:52.2
Vanessa Carson W35 5:20.3
Calum Membrey Vis 5:55.8
Alan Gray M50 5:56.7
Rob Antoniolli M65 6:25.1
Gillian Young W70 6:49.7
Tom Lenane M60 7:18.1
Claire Walkley W50 7:36.4
Andrea Penny W40 7:55.0
Cecil Walkley M85 17:48.6
Colin Smith M50 57.3
Lee Stergiou M45 60.6
Bernie Riviere M50 65.7
Calum Membrey Vis 64.8
Rob Antoniolli M65 67.1
Carmel Meyer W55 76.8
Alan Gray M50 82.3
Kristine Wells Vis 85.0
Harold Membrey M65 85.3
Carol Bowman W60 85.2
Delia Baldock W55 87.8
John Dennehy M55 1:41.1
Jackie Halberg W70 1:47.8
Lynne Schickert (walk) W75 3:06.0
Cecil Walkley M85 4:33.3
Vanessa Carson W35 11:39.3
Rob Antoniolli M65 13:28.9
Bert Carse M75 13:44.8
Claire Walkley W50 15:04.8
Tom Lenane M60 15:29.9
Maurice Creagh M70 16:09.5
Bob Schickert M75 16:34.8
Colin Smith M50 13.2
Calum Membrey Vis 13.5
Rob Antoniolli M65 14.6
Harold Membrey M65 16.2
Carmel Meyer W55 16.4
Andrea Penny W40 17.4
Delila Baldock W55 17.9
Brenda Painter W70 19.0
Trent Siviour Vis 15.5
John Dennehy M55 19.2
Bob Schickert M75 21.7
Cecil Walkley M85 57.5
2000m steeplechase
Ellaby Hansen Vis 7:41.5
Vanessa Carson W35 8:23.9
Trent Siviour Vis 8:24.2
Alan Gray M50 9:07.8
Gillian Young W70 10:25.1**
Kristine Wells Vis 10:44.4
David Carr M85 10:53.3***
Julie Wilson W60 10:53.9
Janne Wells W45 11:12.3
Harold Membrey M65 11:16.6
Maureen Keshwar W65 13:06.5
Therese Carr W55 16:17.5
Lynne Schickert W75 16:39.3*
Bernie Riviere M50 30.53m
Janne Wells W45 20.86m
Rob Antoniolli M65 18.72m
Carmel Meyer W55 17.56m
Neil Duxbury M60 15.22m
Brenda Painter W70 13.34m
Maureen Keshwar W65 14.62m
Julie Wilson W60 13.45m
Sean Mousley Vis 12.19m
Carol Bowman W60 11.29m
Therese Carr W55 9.94m
Therese Carr W55 6.88m
Neil Duxbury M60 6.75m
Sean Mousley Vis 4.92m


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