Cliff Bould Handicap Trophy

Cliff Bould was a physiotherapist born in Leeds, UK. As a medic in WW2, he was posted to the jungles of Assam, India where he encountered hard times. After the war, he was the physiotherapist for the British team in the European and Olympic Games. He came to Australia in the early sixties. Cliff was a founding member of the club and he was the first Secretary. In the early days of MAWA, Cliff spent much of his time attending to members’ injuries! Cliff was also a fine athlete competing all around the world in all distances from 1500m to marathon. This trophy is named in his honour.

1987Sid Bowler
1988Margaret Birks
1989Basil Worner
1990Mal Ovenden
1991Noela Medcalf
1992Merv Moyle
1993Darry Dahlstrom
1994Stan Lockwood
1995Peter Davies
1996Stuart Parkinson
1997Wendy Duncan
1998David Willmer
1999Brian Smith
2000Merv Jones
2001Robert Sheehy
2002Rhod Wright
2003Christina Rompotis
2004Johan Hagedoorn
2005Milton Mavrick
2006Chris Frampton
2007Michelle Froudist
2008Sandra Stockman
2009Heiner Huning
2010Milton Mavrick
2011Ursula Clark-Murphy
2012Robert Poulinet
2013Keith Atkinson
2014not awarded
2015Alan Thornley
2016Anna Bamber
2017Kim Thomas
2018Keith Hill
2019Craig Madden
2020Craig Madden
2021Craig Madden
2022Jan Brankaer
2023Tristan Bell
2024Alan Sykes


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