Committee Summary December 2016



– Agreed that Wheelsie Keillor can join the club and participate in MAWA road events, but our risk management plan will need to be updated

– In the aftermath of World Championships, numbers at Track and Field meetings have been very low. New steeples now in place at ECAC, and two steeplechase events will be held there in the new year

– All 2017 State Championship events, apart from the Pole Vault, will be held at ECAC. Entry fees to remain unchanged from 2016. Dates are on the website

– Decided that the Australian National Championships in Perth in 2018 will be held between 26th and 29th April. Dates around Easter will not work because of a clash with the Commonwealth Games on the Gold Coast

– ECAC has been booked for the Heavy Weight Pentathlon on Sunday 22nd January. VenuesWest have banned the use of Heavy Weight implements at WAAS, except for State and National Championships

– New MAWA jacket will need to sell for around $90. A modest number will be ordered initially to gauge how popular they are



Latest News …


The 2024/25 membership form will be available in early September giving new members 13 months for the price of 12. In the meantime prospective new members should just pay the $5 visitor fee at MAWA events.

Helper Registration

Follow this link to register as a helper – Helper Registration



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