April Committee Meeting Summary



  • New Thornlie course will be measured by Steve Weller, so will count for road ‘bests’
  • Race Directors – Herdsman now Claire Walkley, City Rail now Rod Hamilton, Racecourse still needs a Director
  • State Championships were very successful. The time for throwing events was greatly reduced by the extensive use of EDM’s. Agreed with AWA that one of the EDM’s purchased for World Champs will remain at ECAC for use by any of the clubs based there.
  • Our nine athletes who attended the very well organized indoor World Champs in South Korea performed exceptionally well setting many State Records and nine Australian Records
  • New track suit tops have arrived and are proving popular
  • The Nationals LOC held a second meeting. Priority activities are to complete venue bookings, send out a sponsorship proposal, select a venue for the dinner and produce a flyer for promoting the event in Darwin.


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The 2024/25 membership form will be available in early September giving new members 13 months for the price of 12. In the meantime prospective new members should just pay the $5 visitor fee at MAWA events.

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