September committee meeting summary




– Sunday programme for 2015 now at an advanced stage of planning. Particular features of the programme:

There will be Welcome Run in early Jan, which we will use as an event to promote the club

Wireless Hill is moved to spring so wildflowers can be appreciated

We are short of two Race Directors, Piney Lakes and City Rail

– The 2015 AGM will immediately follow the Claypit Circuit run on 20th September. It will be held in the Hockey Pavilion. Breakfast will be provided

– Some new signs will be resourced. Sunday equipment will be rationalized and made easier to pack into vehicles

– Summer track and field programme was approved. T & F Championship dates confirmed with 7th March Pentathlons and 14th/15th March main weekend

– Delia Baldock will be the new club secretary

– Membership increased by 12 in August to 482.



Latest News …


The 2024/25 membership form will be available in early September giving new members 13 months for the price of 12. In the meantime prospective new members should just pay the $5 visitor fee at MAWA events.

Helper Registration

Follow this link to register as a helper – Helper Registration



Sunday programme 2023 – 2024

Track and Field

Winter programme 2024

2023/2024 Coaching/Training Programme

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