2012 / 13
2013 Perth Marathon
Name Age Time Kim Thomas M35 2:49:41 Michihito Muroi M55 3:07:34 Bob Lane M65 3:07:37 Peter March M50 3:18:04 Ante Perdija M40 3:18:52 Lisa Searle W40 3:19:47 Paul Ankers M55 3:25:42 Brian Bennett M65 3:33:47 Tony Smith M35 3:39:02 Jackson Wong M45 4:01:38 Jim Klinge M65 4:15:30 John Batta M45 4:22:20 Nick Miletic M60 4:40:17…
WAAS – September 10 2013
400m Wendy Seegers W35 61.6 Tony Downey M55 63.2 Kim Thomas M35 66.5 Barrie Kernaghan M70 69.4 Roy Fearnall M70 69.8 David Carr M80 79.6 Maurice Creagh M65 82.8 Carol Bowman W55 87.4 60m Adrian Pannekoek VIS 8.1 Tony Downey M55 8.6 Wendy Seegers W35 8.2 Melissa Foster W35 8.3 Roy Fearnall M70 9.1 Lynne…
City Rail – September 8 2013
10.7 km Run Kim Thomas M35 42:08 V7 42:38 Tony Smith M40 42:43 Bob Lane M65 42:54 Rod Hamilton M50 44:28 Paul Hughes M60 44:32 Paul Odam M50 44:38 Sandra Stockman W45 44:40 Jim Langford M65 45:19 Ian Carson M60 45:24 Giovanni Puglisi M60 45:56 John Allen M55 45:58 V4 48:21 Ross Keane M50 48:22…
ECAC – September 5 2013
400m Colin Smith M50 61.1 Kim Thomas M35 66.5 Steve Fuller M60 69.4 Mitch Thomas VIS 72.1 David Carr M80 74.4 Colin Shaw M50 75.8 Carol Bowman W55 1:27.9 Raynor Keane VIS 1:32.4 Aiden Hassan VIS 1:38.4 Monique Thomas W35 1:41.0 Kem Hassan M40 1:43.8 Dona- Marie Gavin VIS 1:48.7 60m Colin Smith M50 8.5…
WAAS – September 3 2013
100m David Solomon M45 13.1 Barrie Kernaghan M70 13.9 Roy Fearnall M70 14.3 Lynne Choate W60 14.7 Bob Schickert M70 19.0 3km David Solomon M45 11:20.9 Maurice Creagh M65 12:47.6 John Dennehy M50 15:53.8 600m David Solomon M45 1:52.4 Bob Schickert M70 2:15.7 Maurice Creagh M65 2:23.0 1500m David Solomon M45 5:32.3 200m David Solomon…
August 2013
Whiteman Park – September 1 2013
10 km Run Bjorn Dybdahl M60 40:56 John Allen M55 42:16 Sandra Stockman W45 42:35 Ian Carson M60 42:50 Mark Dawson M50 44:19 Hamish McLeod M35 46:37 Akos Gyarmathy M55 46:41 Giovanni Puglisi M60 46:57 Charlie Chan M60 47:18 Brian Danby M65 47:24 Michael Lee M60 47:29 Ross Keane M50 47:40 Karen Peace W40 47:46…
ECAC – August 29 2013
100m Colin Smith M50 14.0 Aiden Hassan VIS 19.5 Lynne Schickert W70 24.4 3000m Aiden Hassan VIS 11:30.1 Maurice Creagh M65 13:33.4 Bob Schickert M70 14:22.4 Kem Hassan M40 16:11.3 600m Colin Smith M50 1:54.7 Maurice Creagh M65 2:28.9 Carol Bowman W55 2:32.2 Lynne Schickert walk W70 4:11.4 2000m Aiden Hassan VIS 7:53.0 Maurice Creagh…
WAAS – August 27 2013
100m Barrie Kernaghan M70 14.2 Lynne Choate W60 15.2 800m David Solomon M45 2:26.4 Alan Gower M55 2:39.3 Maurice Creagh M65 2:53.6 David Carr M80 2:53.7 John Dennehy M50 3:11.4 Karen Gower W50 3:23.7 60m David Solomon M45 8.7 Barrie Kernaghan M70 8.8 Lynne Choate W60 9.1 5000m David Solomon M45 19:10.8 Alan Gower M55…
ECAC – August 22 2013
100m Kathy Lawson W45 14.5 Liam Fukumoto VIS 16.2 Raynor Keane VIS 19.9 Kim Thomas M35 20.6 Maureen Keshwar W60 16.6 Bob Schickert M70 17.6 Bob Fawcett M60 19.7 Kim Thomas M35 20.3 Lynne Schickert W70 23.0 800m Ross Keane M50 3:00.8 Kim Thomas M35 3:01.7 Raynor Keane VIS 3:05.6 Maurice Creagh M65 3:07.5 Trish…
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State Championships
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Helper Registration
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Track and Field
Summer T & F Programme 2024-25
Upcoming Events
- Track and Field at WAAS on January 14, 2025 6:50 pm
- Track and Field ECAC on January 16, 2025 6:00 pm
- Piney Lakes – 8k/4k 7am on January 19, 2025 7:00 am
- Track and Field at WAAS on January 21, 2025 6:50 pm